La viuda joven Capítulo 80 de video
Televisión telenovela en particular, son cada vez más atractiva para muchos telenovela con una historia y una buena historia. para aquellos de ustedes que no ven la telenovela en la televisión se pueden ver en el blog de vídeo es testigo sobrevivió.

"The Young Widow" is a mysterious woman who has become a celebrity by marrying Baron Von Parker. Today, she has an enormous fortune inherited from her last three husbands. With no known family, the Baroness "Inma Von Parker" is an enigmatic woman of extraordinary beauty that captivates men with incredible magnetism and charm. Her calm personality and self-control gives her the ability to handle all situations around her, but also makes her a suspect of having murdered her former husbands; however, nobody has ever been able to prove this. "Alejandro" is a police detective of humble origin, with a bright career in the Homicide Unit. Marked by betrayal, "Alejandro" has remained unmarried because of the woman who left him heartbroken.